Want to keep your Favorite I-71 gift shops open?
Contact your City Councilor tell them the following:

1. Introduce yourself and what Ward you live in.

2. Tell them about your experiences with I-71 gifting shops. Why do you shop with these small businesses? What community has your I-71 shop created for you?

3. Talk about the statistics. Less than 6% of the Nation's cannabis industry is owned by Black people.

4. Focus on the generational aspect of DC's cannabis industry. DC's adult-use market is being run by Black millennials - this is our generation's gold rush.

5. Tell them to support the Generational Equity Amendment!

Contact DC City Councilors

Chair Pro: Tempore Kenyan McDuffie
Ward 5 Council Member
Email: kmcduffie@dccouncil.us Phone: (202)724-8028

At-Large Members

Ward Members

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